Order Online
You can order and pay for your water delivery online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our online ordering services are provided by John's Farmlet Services, so if you would like to order online, please click the link below:

Contact Details
Mobile |
0274940021 |
john@h2ocorp.co.nz |

Sentilert water level monitors. 21 Dec 20:34
Water level monitors
I’ve been testing these units for quite sometime they are reliable trustworthy and easy to install solar powered.
Give Steve Brooker a call tell him John sent you he’ll see you right!!
Ph: 021 0885 1370
Water level monitors
I’ve been testing these units for quite sometime they are reliable trustworthy and easy to install solar powered.
Give Steve Brooker a call tell him John sent you he’ll see you right!!
Ph: 021 0885 1370
Covid 19 25 Mar 13:01
Please do not approach any of our tanker drivers in the field as they are staying isolated in order to safely continue working.
They will be sanitising all surfaces they touch including tank lids, gate latches, hydrants, fuel bowsers, keypads and so on.
We are life essential service providers through out the region its imperative we are able to continue what we do safely.
Thank you for your understanding at this tricky time.
Cheers John and Team.
Please do not approach any of our tanker drivers in the field as they are staying isolated in order to safely continue working.
They will be sanitising all surfaces they touch including tank lids, gate latches, hydrants, fuel bowsers, keypads and so on.
We are life essential service providers through out the region its imperative we are able to continue what we do safely.
Thank you for your understanding at this tricky time.
Cheers John and Team.
Bookings available 6th March 2020 onwards 5 Mar 16:45
We have extra trucks on, so more bookings are available. Place an order online and receive discount. If you want to move your order forward email office@h2ocorp.co.nz with the date you would like.
We have extra trucks on, so more bookings are available. Place an order online and receive discount. If you want to move your order forward email office@h2ocorp.co.nz with the date you would like.

Welcome to Awhitu Natural Spring Water Company #awhitunaturalspringwaterANSWC was established in 1994 as a division of Johns Farmlet Services Ltd.As a keen outdoors man I discovered the pristine Awhitu area in the early 90's and introduced my wife to this wonderful coastal environment, we immediately began looking for property to purchase so as to secure some paradise for ourselves and future generations of our family. We found our dream property at the end of a quiet coastal country rd, west coast beach frontage, the worlds largest pohutukawa tree and a pohutukawa forest, expansive views of the tasman and a crystal clear water source. I immediately applied for commercial consents to utilise the water for local tanker supply to the numerous local rainwater dependant dwellings and bach's. I was granted the appropriate consents after stringent water testing and fulfilling DHB and Council requirements we found that the water didn't only look and taste wonderful but also tested up to be very stable in profile and pure. Locally news spread fast about our water as we delivered loads to bach owners who took drums of it back to their Auckland homes, it didn't take long for beverage manufacturers to come knocking looking to source Natural spring water for use in the manufacture of water based drinks for the florishing bottled water industry before long our water was being used by NZ's largest and most well known manufacturers and being given to international travellers in flight as there first taste of NZ. Since those early days the business has grown and we've developed a new bore on an adjacent property and continued our long term relationships with our corporate clients. Chances are that if your drinking any of the natural spring water based drinks on the market today the water came from us. cool eh! In 2008 Awhitu Water became part of the H2OCORP Ltd group of companies. Don't forget, call us now for your water, household water, tank water delivery. split dry old man pine/totara mix firewood now available delivered NOW |